Saturday 16 February 2013

There Is No Limit To Your Self-Esteem!

Unleash Your Confidence!

That's right, there is no such thing as having too much confidence or too much self-esteem. It is not conceit, it is quite the opposite. This is Self-Love, Baby! For the next 6 weeks, Sacred Earth Newsletter will run a series on Raising Your Confidence and Self-Esteem. Everything from Body Love (it's our Temple and must be cared for) to raising Your Confidence in the Workplace.

Life's trials and tribulations can oftentimes leave us feeling torn apart, tired and breathless and it is our confidence and self-esteem that often takes a beating. We then begin to doubt our self-worth and our ability to make the right decisions that align with our soul's purpose and inner voice.

Raising your self-esteem can give you the energy and focus you need to tackle life's issues when they arise with grace and ease. When you feel better about yourself, life's up's and down's may not seem quite as big. below you will find 20 tips and exercises to raise your confidence,  self-esteem and add quality to your life.

20 Self-Esteem Tips, Tricks and Exercises

1) Set Your Desire/Emotion- Upon waking up and before you get out of bed, lay there for a moment and decide what emotion or feeling do you want to feel throughout your day. Write it down and carry it with you. Find ways throughout your day to evoke that desire or feeling you have set an intention upon. If your intention is to feel Joy, then seek out things that bring you Joy. A simple but powerful affirmation for your day can be: "Today is Full of Joyful Miracles"

2) Think about someone who is confident. It could be a friend, relative, artist, celebrity, role model. Someone you admire and respect. Those admirable qualities can be modeled through you. It may feel silly or fake at first but with practice and adding in your own uniqueness to it you will be walking, talking as brilliantly as your role model. Even better, it is YOU!

3) Smile a lot more. That doesn’t mean putting a silly, fake grin on your face! Smile when you walk down the street, when you meet people and generally be happier even if you’re not feeling that way. It has been proven that smiling alleviates and elevates our mood plus others will respond in kind to a smiling happy face.

4) Be true to yourself. Live your life doing what feels right to you, not what someone else thinks or wants you to do. Being a people pleaser is a very frustrating way to live and will suck the life energy right out of you. You will end up feeling defeated and angry. Instead, get in the habit of pleasing yourself. Do the things that nurture your very Soul. You are responsible for your own happiness. Your feelings and emotions are important. "Our self-respect tracks our choices. Every time we act in harmony with our authentic self and our heart, we earn our respect. It is that simple. Every choice matters." ~Dan Coppersmith

5) Play to your strengths. Know what you are good at and expose yourself to these opportunities at every opportunity The simple fact that you’re good at it, you’ll enjoy it and begin to raise the level of your confidence. So get out there and Shine Brilliantly!

6) Be positive. Look on the “can do” side of things rather than the “can’t do”. You’ve accomplished so much in your life already. Sit down and write a list of every achievement you have made, make copies and pin it everywhere you can see and read it. Plus, you will accomplish lots more in the future to add to your list.

7) Are you prepared for situations? Are you prepared enough to meet any challenge that may come up? Are you prepared for that meeting, that presentation, that job interview, when you meet someone for the first time? If not, get to it.

8) Start a Gratitude Journal. I am sure you have seen and read this one many times before and it is one of the most life affirming exercises you can do to build self-esteem, self-love and confidence. Gratitude alone can turn things around for you. Each night, sit down and write 5-10 things that rocked your world that day. If life has thrown you a curve ball and you think you have nothing to be grateful for, think again. Even the very basic necessities are things to be grateful for. Our basic needs such as running water, food, clothing, however minimal at the moment is monumental to some who do not have anything at all.

Every morning when you’re in the shower or having breakfast (make sure you eat breakfast. it truly is the most important meal of your entire day) play over in your head the events in the day as though they have already happened and they were a success. Visualize all of the meetings that you had, the people you talked to, the outcomes you had. Visualize success and confidence and it will be so. Use the Law of Attraction to bring you your desired intent and begin to see your confidence grow.

10)  Spend time regularly doing things you find joyful, playful, creative. What make your heart and soul sing? Do more of it! Remember being happy is not a selfish act. Your joy is a gift to the world! When you feel joyful, your joy is contagious.

11) Do you let the words of others affect you? Do you mind what they think of you? Remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. It’s not what they say to you that’s the problem it’s what you say to yourself after they have stopped talking that’s the problem. Change the way you think.

12) Clean up your mental diet, surround yourself with positivity and light.
Read uplifting and inspirational books. Listen to uplifting music and attend uplifting workshops. What you focus on expands. Where your attention goes, energy flows. So focus on what you want to create, on what makes you happy and what nurtures your soul. Don’t focus on negativity. Stop watching the news. Avoid whiners and complainers. Walk away.

13) Upgrade Your Diet and Nutrition. Processed foods contain very little nutritional value and will drain you of Vibrant Life Force Energy. Raw, organic fruits and vegetables contain Live Enzymes giving you brilliant Life Force energy and will do wonders for your overall health and outlook on life. Drink plenty of water, especially lemon water, fresh juices and smoothies instead of caffeinated beverages or energy drinks. Add nutrient dense superfoods to your diet. When you take care of your Body Temple, He/She will take care of you!

14)  Allow yourself to be where you are in this very moment. Just feel whatever you are feeling, without judging it or judging yourself for feeling it. This alone will help you achieve a new level of self-love and self-esteem just by accepting you for the wonderful being that you are! Embrace it. Explore it. Feel it. All any feeling or emotion wants is to be felt fully. This can only be done when you let go of your resistance to feeling it, which is kept in place by the story behind these feelings and emotions and the judgment around it. Without the story and the labels, feelings are inherently neutral. Feel your feelings, allow them to take their course then just let it dissolve.

15)  Remind yourself often you are a Miraculous, Sacred, Perfect Expression of Life. You are a Gift to this world. Without you in it, the world would be a much sadder place to be in. Shine Your Light wherever you go and always remember the Sacred Gift that you are and how you have effected another's life in some way, shape or form.

16) Make a Date With Yourself! That's right, go ahead and ask yourself out! You deserve to be treated special so get that facial or massage you have wanted. If funds are low then take a candlelit bath with soft music, your favorite hot beverage and your favorite book. Sacred Self-Care is a Must Have on your To-Do List! Make this a regular date and mark it on your calendar whether it is once a week, once a month, etc. Just Do It!!

17) Create an Uplifting and Positive Environment for Yourself. Redecorate if need be. A new paint will always bring in a feeling of brand new energy, new feelings of rebirth. Buy some plants to give your home some much needed fresh indoor air. The greenery is serene and mood shifting and plants filter the home and bring in more oxygen. Open windows when possible and allow nature to bring Her song into your home with the sounds of nature. Buy some beautiful artwork for your home.

18) Create positive affirmations for yourself and bring them wherever you go. Post them all over your home. Where ever you can easily see them, place them. Repition is what the subconscious mind needs for them to begin to fully penetrate into your everyday thinking and erase your limiting and negative beliefs

19) Learn how to say no to people. Don’t be afraid, you’ve got nothing to be afraid of. Just watch the reaction on their face after you’ve said it the first time and there will be no going back.

20) Spend some time just "Being"- Take a walk in nature, go on a camping trip, meditate, plant a garden. In reconnecting with the Earth and her Healing Medicine, we begin to slow down and have time for some inner reflection. Priorities become more clear. Your Authentic being is more easily recognized here.

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