Saturday 14 September 2013


Mabon / Autumn Equinox – September 21st – 23rd

(Southern Hemisphere -  March 21st)

Harvest at Silbury Hill - 4Mabon is the time of the second harvest, when the day and night is once again in perfect balance. It is when the apples are ripe on the trees and the hedgerows are abundant with berries and nuts. The fields of corn and grain have been cut and once more the plough turns the fertile earth. There is a sense of languid decay at this time of year when morning mists arise from the land evoking another more insubstantial world just beyond the one we inhabit. It is a magical time filled with a light that pours forth across the land like golden honey. The days are becoming cooler and the darkness is creeping back into the evenings as we draw onwards towards winter. The land has pushed forth all manner of food to sustain us through the coming year and we should honor this abundance with celebration and joy. Offer back to the earth food and drink with unconditional love, say thank you for the life giving foods that comes from nature and by doing so you keep a reciprocal balance between both yourself and the world around you.
The problem in our modern world is not many people give thanks anymore, we live in a world where everyone takes what they desire but rarely do they stop and think where it comes from. This does not create a reciprocal balance, it does exactly the opposite, it creates a dangerous imbalance and this is the reason why we see so many problems arising in our modern age. Witchcraft is all about stopping to acknowledge the seasons so that we may connect to forces that shape our lives. This is at the root of all its teachings and this is what we have to embrace if we are to live humbly upon Mother Earth. It’s simple knowledge; it’s nothing arcane and mysterious but common sense that is often forgotten these days. When we forget these fundamental values we loose so much from our life upon the earth, we become obsessed with trivia while so many suffer surrounds us.
1009861_502110579880015_1249977198_nSo this Mabon time think about the abundance of the earth, but also think carefully about how you can share your own gifts, how can you make others lives a little easier. Think about what it truly means to be generous of spirit and how you can act upon this. What we are doing here at Hedgewitch Cottage is asking everyone to bring an abundance of food for the Mabon celebrations. Cakes, tinned foods, things that can keep so that we can offer up the food in the circle and when blessed we are going to take it to one of the local food banks so that others less fortunate can receive some of the abundance. It must always be shared, we must always think about those who are less fortunate and by doing these simple acts of kindness our circle work extends out into the community to help others. When we go to the food bank and offer the food they don’t need to know that it has been delivered by witches, to them its just a kind act of generosity. It’s in these moments that the true acts of magic are born and it’s this practical application of The Craft that is needed so that our magical work does not become purely fantasy. It has to help others all the time; this is what the old Cunning Men and Wise Women dedicated their entire lives towards, they helped others is any way they could. If we are to continue their legacy then we must also cultivate this in all our actions today and if we do just these simple things we can then truly call ourselves a genuine witch.
The Witchcraft we teach at Hedgewitch Cottage is the practical application of The Craft in everyday life. To just give thanks to the seasonal abundance of food is not enough, we have to engage deeply with these wisdoms and when we do it taps into a root that can take us deep into nature. So this Mabon time is about generosity and how we share that with others beyond our close family and friends. Its easy to help those we love, but there are so many other people out there who also need help and by doing just once simple thing this Mabon time to help the community around you, you will truly be in the service of the gods. Enjoy this beautiful time of year and let the magic of the year touch your hearts so that you can dance, sing and spread joy and love to all you meet.
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