Saturday 24 October 2015

On Love, Nectar & the Big ‘O.’ {Adult Poem}

Via on Oct 23, 2015

 woman sexy bed orgasm


 “Prick my finger on his virgin silver. He took me raw, ginger. Caramelize me…” ~Tori Amos, Tombigbee

I am a satisfied and well-f*cked woman
Erotic in my own skin
Honey flows like a river between my thighs
Chills up my spine and butterflies in my chest
As he blows tender kisses against my navel
Down my belly and down, down under
Oh my sweet, sweet honey bee

He spreads his love and nectar
Up my breast where his lips suckle
And find their way to my neck—wanting
Waiting to feel his sweet caress and mouth upon me
Before his lips find mine and our tongues play a game of chase
In the midnight hour
Honeysuckle and honeycomb

He takes me, leading the dance
Hands pinned behind my head as we become one
He takes me, ravishing—ravaging me
Again and again
We fall into a rhythm of an ebb and flow
Like the rise and fall of the ocean tide
He is in complete control and I cannot conceal my delight

I am a satisfied and well-f*cked woman
Erotic in my own skin
Honey flows like a river between my thighs
Chills up my spine and butterflies in my chest
As he blows tender kisses against my navel
Down my belly and down, down under
Oh my sweet, sweet honey bee

Every woman should know this delight and feel this confident in their skin. They should not feel ashamed for their wants, needs and desires.
No one should be judged for following the savage nature that exists in all species.
Sex is not just for procreation. It is meant for pleasure and intimacy. The stronger the connection outside of the bedroom, the stronger the connection will be in the bedroom—or the living room, or the kitchen, or the bathroom—you get the idea.
Communication is important and expressing when you are experiencing pleasure is a great way to guide your lover to understanding your body. After all, you have lived in your own skin your entire life.
While it’s important to speak up for your wants and desires, it is also important to listen to your lover’s wants and needs. True pleasure can only be experienced when both parties involved listen to each other, show each other (yes—sometimes the easiest way to communicate what you want is to show your lover using your own hands), and communication.

“…there has been a revolution in how we perceive the body. What appeals to be an object, a three-dimensional anatomical structure, is actually a process, a constant flow of energy and information.” ~
Deepak Chopra

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