Saturday 12 November 2016


Making these fermented honey cranberries is so easy that it hardly even needs a recipe!  I don’t list amounts because it’s pretty variable based on how much you want to make.  I used a quart sized jar, and that seemed like a good amount to start with.


  • Raw cranberries
  • Ginger slices
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Juice from one orange
  • Raw honey


The first step is to give the raw cranberries a little pop to break their skins and release some juices.  Cranberries are tough to penetrate, so this will give the fermentation a bit of a head start.  I did this by poking them with a fork all over, but you could also give them a couple of pulses in a food processor.
Then fill your jar with the cranberries, ginger slices, and cinnamon stick, leaving about an inch or so of head space.  Add in the orange juice (and the zest if you’d like as well), then cover the cranberries with raw honey.
cranberries-cinnamon-and-ginger-in-honeyIt may take a while for the honey to make it’s way all down to the bottom of the jar, so you may need to wait a bit for it to settle, then add some more.  Cover the jar tightly and give it a few turns to coat all of the cranberries in honey.
Then loosen the lid and put the jar in a dark corner somewhere.  It would be wise to put it on a plate in case there is any honey overflow as it ferments, which is likely.  Every few days tighten the lid and give the jar a few turns, then re-loosen the lid.  Soon you will start to see bubbles forming.
fermenting-cranberries-in-honeyThe honey will turn a lovely red color, and will become more runny as time goes on.  The cranberries will start to lose some of their tartness, and will become a bit more wrinkled.
honey-cranberriesThese can be left to ferment for quite a while, several months even, and will be tastier as time goes on.  I think the flavor even after just a few weeks was amazing!
fermented-cranberries-in-honeyYou can eat these fermented honey cranberries as is, or you can try putting them in a food processor to grind them up into more of a cranberry sauce.  I think I’m going to try that on Thanksgiving this year.  It’s never a bad idea to get some fermented food in during a big meal!

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